Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Obsession

I know...what a surprise! Twice in one month...I told you I was going to try to do better!

Anyway, I had to tell you all about my new obsession. My very good friend, Clairissa told me about these books...a series called Twilight written by Stephanie Meyer...a graduate of BYU. Anyway, she told me what it was about and I was a little surprised by it and not overly anxious to read them. But, once I got started...I was hooked! I am thoroughly obsessed by it now. I was up till 4am Tuesday morning (stupid, I know!) and I was a mess when it was over...because the 4th and final book doesn't come out until August 2nd. Actually, if you know what's good for you, you won't start it until the month before the 4th comes out, because you won't have to wait for it, it will just be there!

Anyway, feeling a little self-conscience, I read these books and became over-whelmed by how much the affected me. I stayed up late and read them faster than any other book yet...reading a 600 page book in one night is more or less like running a mile in 5 minutes for can't or shouldn't happen! So, I became involved with these characters. I've never read anyone write down the emotions and feelings like Stephanie did (I feel like I can call her that because of our relationship through these books). I have experienced every feeling she described...and it felt exactly like that.

I'm a little embarrassed by this...but, after reading other's obsessions and feelings about it, I couldn't hold it in anymore. If you want to experience something that will alter your everyday life, then I highly recommend it. You won't believe it. I promise! I tried to show you a picture of how I look after reading this book, but "unfortunately" my USB port has malfunctioned and I'll have to leave that one to myself.

Check out the website of Stephanie Meyers and her world of vampires - oh, I didn't mention that before - it's about vampires, but I'll want to be a vampire as bad as Bella and you'll want Edward to be the one to change you before you are finished with the first book! It will make sense when you read the books! I promise. For those of you that have read these compelling books, go to this link for the next experience in this series - Stephanie is going to be writing the entire story from Edward's perspective. Here is Midnight Sun and the actual first chapter - unedited - from the book.

Until Breaking Dawn comes out, I need suggestions that can fill this void, quench this thirst and fulfill this fix...I don't think Stephanie has time to write enough to keep me busy...although, her website is pretty busy!

Until the next time!


Gardner Family said...

So first of all - THANK YOU for your e-mail. You inspired me so much to get off my tush and get going that I blogged about it. My gratitude for people like you in our lives. THANK YOU MUCHO BECKY!

Second - I am OBSESSED with these books also. My friend Megan gave me the first one "Twilight" for my birthday.(I blogged about that too)She said that it was SO good and not to start it until Dan had deployed. I couldn't help myself and started it one night that Dan fell asleep and I couldn't sleep. Well that night, I completed half of the book! Then the next night the other half was finished!! I am hooked. I have her site as a favorite on my computer. Just like you the whole vampire thing did not intrigue me at first hearing of it. But, when you read it.....AUGHHH so good .......wish we lived closer!

Clair said...

Let's see...I'm a professional at filling this so-called post-book void. Go skydiving with me!! Or I know this great spot at Lake Lanier that would be like cliff diving with how low the water is right now. Or go run a race with me. Or we could just go get a pedicure. Or see a sappy movie in the theatre together ... so many possibilities, and no babysitters (or money!) Sigh.....

Brittney said...

I think I will take your advice and just wait until August to start reading the books : )

Patty Sampson said...

Holy crap! We are in love with the same series! Awesome! I even convinced Eric to start reading Twilight. Although he is not as into it. But he does love it. And yes, I have to admit, I read the uncut intro into Edward's version of the story months ago. But I don't like it as much as Bella's. Something about the mystery behind his strange behavior really kept me enthralled. And hearing it in his voice is not as gripping.

I am so proud of you for blogging more often though. You rock! Keep up the good work. It is nice to know how you are doing, and know what you are thinking. And when you blog more frequently it is less a "family update" but more of a "how is Becky doing" kind of thing. And I love that.


Jackie B. said...

I can't wait to read those books, now that i'm done with the others i was reading! :)