Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Day of School

Below are some of the pictures we took at Braden's orientation night. He met his teacher, Mrs. Rietig, and he asked if he could read to her. She was very patient and even made the comment that she may have to get some more advanced books. I was pretty proud that I was able to hold it together. I only teared up twice and never once let anyone know!

Braden is ready to go to school! He loved meeting his teacher!

Braden reads to his teacher, The Cat in the Hat

Landon was pretty interested too! He liked looking at all the toys and the neat things in his classroom!

This is the actual first day of school. He was so excited. All weekend he was asking why he had to wait to go on the bus. Although, the bus situation was not the most effective for the first 3 or 4 days, it eventually started dropping him off at the right time and in the right spot. me!

"How do I smile, Mom?"

"That's a good one honey!"

My baby's on his way to the bus stop...I must be crazy!
Landon didn't want to feel left out. So, he and his favorite turtle got to take their "First day, without Braden, Picture!"
The first week was great! He was thrilled...a little overexcited, but overall really good. I think it will be a wonderful experience for him. I just hope they can keep him entertained and busy!


Patty Sampson said...

Oh How CUTE!! Congratulations on having your big boy start school. I am sure it was pretty emotional. What a milestone!

Brittney said...

I'm glad that he was so excited about school. Kindergarten is so fun and exciting. Jut wait until the 4th grade when they start bringing home all the big projects...not so fun anymore! : )

Brittney said...

okay, this is totally not related to this post but I just saw your baby widget and it says you have 147 days left. What's up with that? It was at 100 two weeks ago and I know that you are way past 19 weeks.

Gardner Family said...

All I can think of with this blog title is Finding Nemo, "FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! WAKE UP WAKE UP DAD!"

I can't believe how fast he has grown up. Wasn't it just yesterday he was going to sleep in his crib in Colorado?????

Patty Sampson said...

Hi Becky, I just wanted to let you know you have been "Tagged". You can check my blog for rules, etc. :) I am looking forward to your post! Love ya!

Lizzy said...

What a big boy--Still cant believe how fast they grow. I am so excited you are having a girl!